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The Wright Applied Physics Lab is an academic research group focused on several topics:

  1. Computation, and computational sensing with physical systems, usually based on multimode waves.

  2. The design and control of complex physical systems, typically with physics-informed, data-driven methods.

  3. The physics and applications of multimode quantum and nonlinear photonic systems.


Key goals include the development of new kinds of efficient analog computing machines, and multimodal light tools for rich, flexible manipulation and measurement of matter.


Research on these topics includes theoretical, computational, and experimental components. Photonics-based or photonics-enabled experiments and prototypes are the lab's primary platforms. We strive however to discover and develop broad concepts that bridge or transcend specific physical platforms, and that may have utility across the physical sciences and engineering. Accordingly, we also welcome diverse ideas, expertise, applications, and people not just from photonics, but also from adjacent fields, such as robotics, applied mathematics, fluid mechanics, biology, and materials science.

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Check out our Research page or Publications page for more details.


Open positions: We have opportunities for PhD students, post-docs, and other colleagues. Please see here for more details.

Research focus: Physical computation, control, and complexity; mostly with photons

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Harnessing quantum and nonlinear systems with many degrees of freedom for analog information processing, imaging, and sensing.

DALL·E 2022-09-28 11.43.26 - Physical computation, control, and complexity, mostly with ph

Data- and computer-driven methods, and co-designed hardware-software tools for open-ended experimental discovery, and design and control of complex physical systems.

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Optical or optically driven systems involving many degrees of freedom, nonlinearity, and/or quantum phenomena like squeezing and entanglement. 

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